woensdag 2 augustus 2017

Try 2 Remember The future * August 16-31 2017

I prayed to see sunshine but pain is easier to remember than happiness
Maybe the future looks like this

August 16
The leader finds on his way
Another girl who cannot stay

August 17
The water is still too deep
Because of promises he doesn’t keep

August 18
The airplain in blue and white
Leaves the way and hurts the tower
36 and 24 are numbers to be feared

August 19
Earthquake remembers tsunami

August 20
Why must this date always be explosive?

August 21
Australia makes the news

August 22
The things created today
Will open your eyes soon

August 23
The heat is almost everywhere
The north pole is no exception

August 24
In Spain a bus spoils the holydays
76 is to much

August 25
Houston is on fire

August 26
Greenland never was smaller since a million years

August 27
Facebook in clash

August 28
IS is back

August 29
Turkey challenges Kurdistan

August 30
Maye may lost the battle

August 31
Brexit hardens out
British become Spanish

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